Weaving a [virtual] network for individuals, institutions, and entrepreneurial communities committed to our territory.

Join La Network

Be part of a Local Entrepreneurial Community

Chat privately with Expert and Approachable Individuals

Access Training and Content that You Truly Need

Multiply Opportunities alongside other Communities, Companies, and Institutions

Build Projects and Connect them with other People to Soar

Be part of the Change: participate in Challenges and Labs

Shall we connect?

Another way to embark on entrepreneurship; always in good company. Connecting with communities of entrepreneurial individuals and committed institutions. Building authentic relationships based on collaboration and respect.

Let's continue designing the change. Because the pandemic ignited our desire to walk by your side... even online.

In La Network, you will connect with other communities of entrepreneurial individuals, public and private institutions, expert professionals, and ecosystem stakeholders who, like you, are working every day to face the development of this land with resilience and respect.

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